
This site is a collection of some funny things that has been collected from all over the world from time to time. All the contents here available can be shared freely. If you want your stuffs also to be added along with your introductory part then you can send mail to: koolkabin@live.com.

Friday, March 4, 2011

The "less" marking things in our life..

I found it on facebook... my friends shared it. thnx for sharing...

Our communication – wireless
Our phones - cordless
Our cooking - fireless
Our food
- fatless
Our sweets – sugarless
Our labor - effortless
Our relations - fruitless
Our attitude - careless
Our feelings - heartless
Our politics - shameless
Our education - worthless
Our mistakes - countless
Our arguments – baseless
Our youth - jobless
Our boss - brainless
Our jobs – thankless
Our salaries - less and less
Our needs - endless
Our situation - hopeless

Our solution: ???