
This site is a collection of some funny things that has been collected from all over the world from time to time. All the contents here available can be shared freely. If you want your stuffs also to be added along with your introductory part then you can send mail to: koolkabin@live.com.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Facebook Status of Animals?

If animals have Facebook, these are most likely to be their Status Updates:

Cockroach: Managed to skip from some one’s foot step.. Man, I lead a dangerous lifestyle! :P

Chicken: If tomorrow I am not updating my status, means I am being served at KFC. Love you all ♥

Octopus: I have just refilled my ink..horray!! ^_^

Pig: Oh gosh they throw the gossips that I am spreading flu…WTF!! :X

Goat : Friends, don’t go out, Eid holiday is coming :'(

Pig writes a comment on Goat’s status: "Luckily I am haram" |4 likes (Y)|

Goat replies: "Don’t you remember that after Eid is the Chinese new year..

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

National Anthem of Nepal modified for Politicians

सयौं खाले नेता हामी एउटै पद सभासद ।
देश बेच्छौं पेट पाल्छौं अनि बन्छौं गदगद ।।

प्रकृतिका कोटी कोटी पापिष्टका नायक,
नाङ्गो नाच देखाउने लोकतन्त्रका गायक ।

ज्ञान शून्य शान्ति शून्य महिषासुरका सन्तान,
लाउन हुन्न खान हुन्न किन चाहियो विधान -

जे गरे नि चुपै बस्ने जनता छन् कमाल,
हाम्ले चुसी खोक्रो भएको जय जय नेपाल ।।

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Water Survey Result

BUT few people who drinks poison survives... :D

Difference between boys and girls

Please post your feedback?

Friday, November 4, 2011

Psychiatrist and patient with wired dreams

A guy tells his psychiatrist,
“I always have this weird dream at night. 
I am locked in a room with a door on which there is a sign. 
I try to push it with all my strength, but no matter how hard I try, it won’t budge."

The psychiatrist muses, “Interesting." 

But tell me what does the sign on the door say? 

Boss and Secretary

BOSS to secretory:for 1 week we'll go aboard

She calls husband :for a week,i and boss r going abroad

Husband calls GF :wife going,lets enjoy

GF calls her student:for one week,you're free

Little boy calls grandpa:i'm free for 1 week

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Hair cut of a ghost

A ghost went to the barber for a haircut. The barber said, "I am very busy now. Come back after a few hours".